Having always fancied himself as something of a John Travolta on the dance floor, Pete decided to take the leap and sign up for ballroom dance lessons… with mixed results. “I discovered I’m a really crap dancer,” he laughs, “… but I love every minute of it.”
Pete and his wife, Deb, have now been with DanceXS for around six months. And for Pete, there are two things that really shine.
“The camaraderie among all the students is fantastic – and Stefano is incredible. He connects with each and every person that comes through the door. He has a passion for dance that is infectious… and humbly inspiring.”

Taking the leap
Pete and Deb opted for dance lessons as an activity that might be mutually enjoyable. “She loves 40km hikes. I love playing drums. We needed something we were both interested in,” explains Pete.
Having driven past the DanceXS studios many times, the couple decided to book in for a trial lesson.
“From its jazzed-up exterior, I had always thought DanceXS was just for experts. Deb looked up the website anyway and saw it had beginners’ classes, so we decided to give it a go.”
And from the moment they walked in, they were hooked. “It’s incredible… the studios, the lights, everything,” Pete says. “It takes you into another time, another realm. It’s a place where you completely forget about the world outside.”

Dancing with the best
Pete and Deb take a mixed class at DanceXS that is suitable for all skill levels, and as Pete describes, it generally covers two dance styles per lesson. “We might be learning the beginning sequence of the waltz and rumba, for instance. Stefano runs through the steps and we spend the first half-hour practising with progressive partners.
Some students are average Joes like me, and others are superstar dancers, but everyone is incredibly obliging. It’s a very free-spirited class. The more experienced dancers are more than happy to help you… and you always have a laugh.”
Students spend the second half of each class practising the steps with a partner – and this is something Pete really loves about dance. “The connection you have with a partner when you dance is really special. You’re looking into their eyes, you’re connected, you’re flowing together… it’s really nice.”

Sharing a passion
Pete and Deb have also taken a few private lessons with Stefano – and it’s another area where the teacher’s passion and professionalism shines through.
“Stefano has a knack for making you feel at ease from the moment you step in the door… and that erases any nerves,” Pete explains. “And you don’t need to be an advanced dancer. I remember one time we were having trouble getting one part of the dance right. He was incredibly patient. And when we nailed it, his smile was immense.
“Stefano is the life and the blood of the place,” Pete continues. “You can see his passion for dance, and that he loves sharing it with everyone. He connects with all ages and he always gives so much of himself – and that’s fantastic.”